It’s been almost 3 whole weeks since my last blog. In my defence, I claim the following:
1. The last 2 weeks of July were plagued with day after day of incessant, flood-inducing torrents of rain. It rained. Then it rained some more. Then it rained even more. Middle England flooded, thousands of homes were affected, hundreds of thousands lost power, water and other basic utilities. News channels and newspapers covered nothing more than the latest on the rain and floods. July, as were June and May before it, was declared the wettest July on recorded history. With the constant grey skies and gloom-and-doom weather forecasts, it was hard to get excited about anything really.
2. Work has turned into the energy-zapping, brain-deadening, all consuming kind of work. A sorry excuse I know. But day after day in gloomy Worthing, with constant pressure from work, nights spent in a small uncomfortable hotel room, left me uninspired and unchatty.
So there you go - my excuses.
The sun finally reappeared this week, and today is absolutely gorgeous. Cloud-free skies. Temperatures hovering in the low 80s (farenheight of course). We stocked up this morning on picnic and BBQ supplies and have headed to the park across the street for a good heavy dose of Vit D.
We haven’t been in complete hiding though the last 3 weeks. We watched a Keane concert one weekend at the O2 millennium dome. We’d never been to the millennium dome before, and we were pleasantly surprised at what a great concert venue it made. It only took the British government 7 years to figure out what to do with the place after the Year 2000 celebrations. After years of languishing in true white-elephant-why-did-we-build-it-again style, this year they turned it into a concert venue, surrounded by a bunch of restaurants, bars, clubs. Keane were in good form (I think they were filming for a DVD), and we had tickets in the standing area and got to stand quite close to the stage.
Some pics from the O2 (L-R): Keane, O2 beach, the Smalls

Ed’s also been on quite the shopping spree. Our insurance claim for the theft in May finally came through. So Ed’s been quite preoccupied with putting together our new entertainment hub. Instead of buying a new DVD player and another home PC/Mac, we bought a Mac mini and hooked it up to our new TV. It’s quite impressive really. We’ve already spent many an hour perusing through iTunes for music videos which we can very easily download and then immediately watch on our boy-toy TV. Oh, and he’s also got a brand new set of tools – screwdrivers, power drill and the like. Lucky lad.
I haven’t gone handbag shopping yet. I’m still in the careful and lengthy selection process a.k.a perusing through and for ideas. Still haven’t decided what to get, so am taking my time relishing the selection process and just happy in the thought that when I do finally decide what to get, I just need to go and get it – no saving required, a guilt-free pleasure. Yum.
Some recent pics (L-R): Today's cloud-free skies, recent meal of pork adobo, pork chop dinner

1 comment:
yey for handbag surfing!!! hope you have more clear days ahead. jersey weather is getting colder by the day.take care you guys!
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