It’s been a whirlwind week, chockful of activities. I suspect I’ve been running on adrenalin for the past 3-4 days or so. The week has gone something like this:
Day 1 (Sun) – Leave for Heathrow at 13:00. Airport shopping, 2 movies, 2 small meals, work and a nap later, land at O’Hare (I believe this is where I commenced my state of partial-daze-hood) . Pull into St Charles (training centre outside of Chicago) at 21:00. Check-in. Work. To bed by midnight.
Day 2 (Mon) – Wake at 5:00 unintentionally (damn jetlag). Work. Research on mortgage approval process, class, networking event, drinking and cavorting at social centre till the lights come on. To bed by 1:00.
Day 3 (Tues) – 7:00 conference call with the hubby. Class, apply for mortgage pre-approval, networking event (yes another one), drinking and cavorting (yes, again) at social centre till the lights come on. To bed by 1:30.
Day 4 (Wed) – Repeat Day 3 except replace networking event with leadership activity, and add post social centre pool session. To bed by 2:00.
Day 5 (Thur) – 7:00 conference call with the hubby. Class, outlet shopping, drinking and cavorting at social centre, transition drinking and cavorting to the infamous “Ranch” (St Charles dive bar institution), dose of early morning pool. To bed by 4:00.
Day 6 (Fri) – I survived! Up at 6:00 to pack. Class, checkout, shuttle to O’Hare, 2.5 hour delayed flight (damn!), fly around in circles in fog above Philadelphia, taxi to hotel. At hotel by 22:00 (hello hubby!!). Late night room service. To bed by midnight.
Day 7 (Sat) – 6:00 wake up call. 7:00 diner breakfast. First viewing appointment at 8:30 (view 8 apartments). Second viewing at 1:30 (view 5). Return to hotel. Body resists to heading back out to dinner. Losing the will to stay awake. Running low on adrenalin reserves. Sleep.
Day 8 (Sun) – 7:30 wake up call. Fiddle around with spreadsheets to determine flat on which to place offer. Request for 2nd viewing. 2nd viewing for 2 apartments. Place formal offer (sign a whole bunch of docs and write out a check). Watch Eagles game at sports bar. Snack on Philly cheesesteak. Kill time in Macy’s. Kill time drinking too many mojitos than sensible at 17:00 in Alma de Cuba. Dinner at Alma. Stumble back to hotel to pick up luggage. Taxi to airport. Nap in BA Executive lounge. Hop onto 23:00 flight back to Heathrow.
Class was a whole lot of fun. We’re negotiating an offer on a Philadelphia centre city condo apartment.
Still need sleep. Will attempt to “recover” this week.
Some pics from the week (L-R): My team, viewing a Philly old cityloft, fine specimen of a Philly Cheesesteak

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