England vs. Barbarians, Twickenham Stadium
First trip to Twickenham stadium and first live rugby match. England managed to scrape by to win. Phew.

Pennyhill Spa, Surrey
First foray into the previously unexplored world of the English Spa. How did it take us this long to discover this novel concept? Pennyhill had a myriad pools, saunas, steam rooms. Plus I managed to squeeze a mighty fine aromatherapy massage into the hectic day of spa-ing (so many pools to discover, so many naps to take!)
Pics (L-R): Ed in spa robe and slippers, grounds and outdoor pools, scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream, gardens

Mucking about London
This weekend we had an afternoon appointment in town and decided to spend the rest of the afternoon mucking about – first jug of Pimms for the year (hooray! – Summer’s here) in St Christopher’s Place, followed by first Japanese dinner since our Japanese vacation, capped off with a movie in Leicester square.

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