We took a long weekend trip to Denmark 3 weeks back (2 days in Arhus and 2 days in Copenhagen). Upon returning work got in the way and prevented me from doing justice to the trip via blog. The trip does however deserve a quick callout so below is a list of highlights of the trip (accompanied with some pictures):
1. Chilling outside under heaters and wrapped in blankets in Aarhus many cafĂ©’s.
2. Taking a trip back in time with a visit to the restored Arhus Old Town (Den Gamle By)
3. Strolling through Copenhagen
4. A night out at the Copenhagen Tivoli
5. Climbing up the tower of and the amazing views from Our Saviour’s Church in Christianshaven
6. Meals at Peder Oxe and Ida Davidson
7. Watching the world go by while sipping beers along Nyhaven
8. Taking a Copenhagen canal tour
9. Eating Danish Danish in Denmark
10. The lovely people of Denmark
Below is a small sample of pics we took on our trip. (L-R) Mean Mojito's at an Arhus cafe, Arhus Old Town, Cornucopia of Danish, Nyhaven, Dinner at Peder Oxe

To view our complete set of pics from Denmark, please visit the Smallzone Travel Page.
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