Thursday, 6 September 2007

Mission Update

6-Sept, 05:30
Mission not accomplished. The operation was carried out last night. No wasp appeared. The operation was carried out again this morning, and yet not wasp appeared.

We have perhaps underestimated the intelligence and cunning of these creatures. Either that or our missons were flawed. We have further theorized the following and will adjust the mission plan accordingly:

1. The perpertrators may actually be attracted to the odour of Bodyshop Clementine soap. Last night we did not infuse the air with this odour. Rather we only turned on the shower with hot water. Incorrect assumption: They were attracted only to the warmth of the shower steam
2. The perpetrators may be slow risers. In the incidences on the 4th and 5th of Sept, they appeared only after Ed’s shower. As Ed is working from home today and therefore did not feel the need to take a shower at 5:30 am, there may not have been sufficient shower/Clementine odour time to awake them.

The mission continues…..

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