Tuesday 12 June 2007

First day back

I just could justify it no longer (at least in my mind) – the bumming at home. And the more I stayed at home “doing random chores”, the more I seemed to fall into this brain deadening, energy zapped state. It was getting quite desperate really.

So today I got up at 5:30 along with Ed and did the morning grind. Got dressed in uncomfortable office-wear, did some Metro (free trashy London daily) reading while on train to work, coffee on the way in to keep my pulse beating. It’s my first day back in the office since rolling of my last project 2 weeks ago.

Spent the morning doing some half-hearted looking for roles (got one nibble but do I really want to be travelling to Glasgow for a month?), some other mindless tasks e.g. Workstation Safety training, plus stuff I can no longer put off i.e. someone’s performance feedback.

It’s now 13:20, I’ve just had a Pret avocado wrap (honourable mention as Ed loves these things) and am fighting the supreme urge to call it a day and head back home and buy some planters for a wee bit of gardening tonight (Ed’s suggestion).

One of the main problems of course is that’s I’m suffering from a complete and utter lack of motivation for work. Could have something to do with this year’s India stint which left me feeling burned out and not very eager to jump into another technology delivery type role. Could have something to do with nagging feeling that I don’t really have any specific skills or areas of speciality - I’ve just been doing a little bit of everything, and I have no idea what I’d like to be doing (other than anything-but-technology-delivery).

14:02. Hmm. I’ll give it another hour so. 15:00 doesn’t seem too disgraceful a time pack up and head home, no?

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